BC Blogs

State Of The Nation
We are a country made up primarily of a mix of uninformed and misinformed people who seem to be addicted to their problems and their party affiliat...
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The Addiction To Problems
It is truly a tragedy when a man chooses the comfort of remaining weak when he could instead enter into the challenges of adversity to make himself...
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I Don't Fit In
In my older age I've grown entirely comfortable with not fitting in anywhere really. Over 10 years I've lived six places in three states and have n...
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Nightmares & Memories
Something that has been weighing heavily on my mind since we were banned from advertising on Facebook which crippled our ability to sell and has l...
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"Luck" has nothing to do with it
What does the word “Lucky” mean? I hear it used often in an unintentionally condescending way by those who are averse to risk, lack true work ethic...
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This Memorial Day
Though it's denoted by our federal government that yesterday was to be the day in which we take pause, and say thank you as a nation to all who hav...
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Everyone is tired...So what?
This evening I sat for a moment and got comfortable in my feeling of being tired, too tired even. Too tired to do anything else right now so I dese...
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Dedication > Motivation
Ever spend a little too much time scrolling through social media only to find yourself both amused and somewhat disgusted by so many people all at ...
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Get the message out
As much as it would make sense to think BC limited was built around the idea of creating and selling products, that just isn’t the case. I started ...
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Give Thanks
Tis the season of reflection as another year comes to an end. Time to take an accounting of the past reconciling with one's victories, loses, bless...
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